
We have different price points to ensure you can get the help you need, whether it is a basic consultation done entirely online, through skype or email correspondence, or a complete branding package with custom designed supporting materials.

Over Coffee (phone, skype, or email)

Lightweight (logos, promotional material)

Bandwidth (blogs, social media outlets)

From Scratch (complete branding and design package)

Drop us a note and we would be happy to talk to you.

Branding and Packaging
Design Consultation

As much as we would like to deny it, image is an important thing. At first impression, it is the only weapon a small business, person or group has to wield, so to speak, in the brutal, competitive world out there.

Creating a cohesive, bold and professional image that radiates warmth and personality is a time consuming task. Something a struggling new small business or a one-person-operator might not have time for.

We love this. We love crafting the perfect identity for your brand, to help you visualize what you are about and to provide quality materials to support it.

In a small business market poised to smother big names, survival is tough, and standing out is key.


For ideas and inspirations, CLICK to see the portfolio gallery:

Graphics: Branding
Printmaking: Wedding Invitations
Printmaking: Wedding Details
Artwork: Watercolors